Dogs are very protective animals thus apart from being pets, dogs are as well utilized for guarding purposes. Dog owners though should not be too complacent as the dog on guarding duty, like the owners, may also be sleeping soundly. Dogs are not only voracious eaters - these animals are great sleepers as well. Dogs are very energetic but are you aware that these animals can sleep half the day away? This sleeping time can vary between different dog breeds but generally dogs are asleep for more than half of their lives.
Why do dogs have long sleeping hours? The sleeping habit of a dog is influenced by a number of factors. The time spent sleeping would depend on the age, the personality and the activities of the dog. Old dogs would not be as energetic as young ones thus instead or romping and running, the older dog will be seen curled up in the corner - sleeping. Working dogs may want to sleep just like any other dog but because of the work they perform less time would be spent sleeping. Dogs have the knack to fall instantly asleep whenever an opportunity is presented so that the sniffing dog will be seen snoozing while the bomb detection squad is still being briefed and the therapy dog will have a shut eye while being transported to the nursing home.
Dogs may appear to be sleeping all the time but they also wake up more often. Dogs too experience the rapid eye movement and slow wave stages of sleep but unlike human sleep that is generally uninterrupted, dog's sleep would be constantly interrupted. Because of the heightened senses, the slightest rustling sound and movement, the lightest whiff of unusual scent will wake a sleeping dog.
People that have nothing to do would sleep all day too. Dog owners are advised against leaving the pet alone with no toys to play with as the dog can turn into a destructive pet. However, some pet owners are lucky as instead of being destructive, the dog would sleep all day. A dog that sleeps all day would be less active but owners would surely want to have a less playful pet than a destructive one.
The dog's sleeping area may be responsible for the dog's fondness to sleep. Outside dogs may want to sleep all day but due to the discomfort caused by snow, by the hot weather and even by rain, the pet may not have a restful sleep. Pampered dogs on the other hand, are not only allowed to live outside the house. These dogs are either provided with well padded comfortable beds if not allowed access to the master's bed. The comfortable bed will entice the dog to sleep.
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